My copywriting always puts CLIENTS and CUSTOMERS first.
When they become interested, enjoy what they read - and are motivated to act - the copy has achieved its goals.
BLOGS: This article merges the benefits of knowing your genetic ancestry with the history of Halloween.
HEADLINES: This "First Time Customer" page needed a master headline and two subheads to focus the customer on the benefit of acting "now".
POP-UP ADS: The use of pop-up ads, especially with a timed sale expiration, draws customers into the sales funnel.
PR IN A WEBSITE: I like corralling good quotes from major news sources, along with their logos, to create an impressive "PR Showcase".
WRITING TO DEMOGRAPHICS: With D2C, once your research has ID'd the target , I create all headlines and copy, and suggest images and layout.
HEADLINES AND BODY COPY: A cohesive blend will engage your customers. It's always a good idea to highlight positive social media reviews.
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